Saturday, September 27, 2008

Presidential Debate

After last nights debate, I would have to say that I believe that Obama did better than McCain. On a scale of one through ten, I would probably give him an eight while McCain would recieve a six. Obama looked not only at the moderator, but also at the cameras as well as McCain. He also from time to time would begin his next statement with "Well I agree with John here" which made him seem a little bit more human. MacCain on the other hand, never did something like that and he constantly stared at the moderator instead of Obama. He also sounded rather feeble at times while Obama sounded confident.
I would say that Obama's highest point during the debate was foreign policy. He talked about judgement, how he would not have had such bad judgement. Also, he focused on how Afghanistan was the root of the terrorist problem. McCain just repeatedly talked about Iraq and how we must win there with honor.
Obama's lowest point was probably on the issue of economics. He skirted the questions and didn't give real answers, even when the moderator brought it up several times.
One issue that I disagree with Obama on is Al Queda and Osama Bin Ladin. He feels strongly that Bin Ladin should be killed. I don' t agree that we should devote extra resources to hunting him down and making sure he is dead. To me, it is more important to take care of the Taliban than just one man hiding out in Pakistan. Al Queda has already been crippled, so there is not as much need to make sure that the man is dead.


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