Saturday, September 6, 2008


For me the decision for president is easy and it has to be Barack Obama. There are too many reasons that I agree with him on not to choose him. One of those reasons is Health Care. Health Care is something that every American should have and Barack Obama is willing to give that to us while making it affordable. He believes that health care is a necessary thing for every person to have and I agree. I don't see how people can survive without it to tell you the truth. When people get sick they are supposed to go to the doctor but without health care they can't do that. That is something that just shouldn't happen so when Obama says that he will make health care affordable for everyone I am right behind him. Another major reason why Barack Obama is qualified for president is because of what he wants to do with the economy. He opposes many of the tax cuts made by President Bush because the are focused on the higher class as opposed to the middle class. He is willing to cut taxes by about a thousand dollars for the working families that need the extra money. He doesn't care as much about the rich getting tax cuts and spending that money saved on another car or something else that they don't need. He also wants to make paying your taxes extremely easy. He plans to make it so you can be done with them in less than five minutes. But most importantly he sees the problem of jobs being shipped overseas. His plan to try and limit that is to get rid of all the tax cuts for those companies and give them to companies that hire people right here in the U.S. That will increase jobs and decrease poverty just by giving tax cuts to companies that are true to their country.

The Foreign Policy of Barack Obama might be the most important reason why I think he should be the next President of the United States. He sees absolutely no reason at all for us to be in Iraq. Also, unlike many other political candidates, he has never wavered for that opinion. He has been against the war from the start and continues to be. He doesn't believe that our troops aren't strong enough for the job but he just doesn't see any reason for the War at all. He sees no reason that 1,000 Americans had to die in Iraq for a cause that has to be taken up by the Iraqis themselves. His plan is to have a phased withdrawal that has all the troops out of Iraq by the middle of 2010. He believes that taking them all out right away would be a big mistake but having a withdrawal would be the most responsible and successful of ideas. Another point in which I agree with Obama is how the Iraq war has distracted us from the most important war that we should be concentrating on. The War in Afghanistan is still going on and Al Qaeda is even getting stronger. Bush talks about 9/11 so much but he isn't even concentrating on getting the rest of the people behind it in Afghanistan any more. For all we know they could be planning an attack on us again and we would not know it because we are too tied up with Iraq. The sooner we concentrate on Afghanistan the safer and better off we will be. Overall, I agree with most of the stances that Barack Obama takes on the issues. If I were of age to vote he would be hands down my selection for President of the United States starting in 2008.


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