Monday, September 8, 2008

Obama; the Confident One

It is truly amazing to observe how some individuals can take control of an audience with nothing but words. It is even more incredible to see someone do that in front of a live audience of over 50,000 and a national audience of millions! Never have I ever seen a more impressive and confident speaker as Barrack Obama at the Democratic National Convention. Its about time that this great and powerful country had a leader whose mere presence can shape an entire audience. Obama radiates a feeling of confidence, pride and dignity that can inject itself into the minds of the American people. No longer should this country be looked down upon as the ignorant and selfish nation of the world! Barrack Obama with his aura of confidence can lead this country out of sewer it has been rotting in and return us to the once great nation we used to be!

On top of his incredible ability to inspire and lead a group of people, Obama's political plans for this country are nothing short of genius. As for foreign policy, the first issue that comes to mind is the war in Iraq. If Obama is elected as President of the United States of America, he plans to carefully withdrawal our troops from Iraq by the summer of 2010; completed about 16 months after being elected. Also, he plans to leave a small contingent of troops in the desert to continue the fight against al Qaeda, protect American diplomats and train Iraqi security forces to the point of where they can be independent. As for moderating the Iraqi government, withdrawing our troops will force the Iraqis to compromise and come up with a new system in about the 16 months it takes for us to leave. This will fairly apply pressure on the Iraqi diplomats instead of using Bush's blank check method which has failed for the leaders to take responsibility. In addition to to resolving the war in Iraq, Obama plans on reviving American diplomacy. Bush and Cheney were too caught up in trying to look tough that they just ended up looking arrogant instead. Barrack Obama is ready to speak with any nation; whether they are a friend or enemy doesn't make a difference. Also, if Obama is elected, he plans on improving relations with nations in NATO in order to invest more troops in security operations. Lastly, Obama plans on keeping a close relation with Israel. At this moment, America is not looked upon highly in the Middle East. Israel is our only true ally at the moment but if Obama's plan to secure Iraq works well, then relations in the middle east could improve and Israel's ability to defend itself could improve as well.
As for matters pertaining the economy, Obama intends to jumpstart it with several different plans. In order to help middle class families pay for rising energy bills, our hopeful future leader will tax the immense profits of oil companies and provide $1000 relief to the families in need. In addition, he plans on cutting the income tax of the working family by another $1000 to assist with the payroll tax the pay. This assistance will eliminate income taxes for an estimated 10 million people! I lived in a typical middle class family. My parents are divorced and are living off of seperate payrolls. I understand how frustrated my mother and father can get about bills, so when I hear Obama plans to give thousands of dollars in relief to working families, I am nothing short of thrilled. As for jumpstarting the economy, Barrack plans to provide $25 billion for a state growth fund that will limit cuts on health, education and much more. Also, he will provide another $25 billion dollars for a jobs and growth fund to limit cutbacks on road, bridge and school maintenance. This will save more than 1 million jobs that could possibly be cut. Lastly, Obama will create at least 5 million green jobs by promoting bio fuels, plug-in hybrids and renewable energy. This will create many jobs because following through with this will require a highly skilled workforce.
When it comes to a wide variety of domestic issues, Obama's plans for energy efficiency are sure to work. In order to cut back on our reliance for foreign oil, Obama plans to no longer need the oil in the middle east and Venezuela in about 10 years. In order to reach this goal he plans to have about one million hybrid plug-in cars on the road by 2015. Also, Obama vows to make sure that 10% of America's electricity comes from renewable sources such as solar, tidal and wind by the year 2012 and possibly 25% by 2025. As a soon to be driver, I don't want to be paying over $10 per gallon of gas by the time I am 25! I support Obama in wanting to transition to renewable sources and will gladly drive a plug-in car if it means ending the energy crisis. Another huge domestic issue needing to be solved in America is health care. If elected president, Obama will create an affordable, national health care system that will cover all Americans. He will supply a cheaper health care plan to small businesses and the self-employed, a plan that is much like the health care given to the members of Congress. It is truly genuine of Obama to support the everyday citizen just as much as some of the members of the highest positions in our government! Above all, Obama's health care plan will not turn down anyone who applies, regardless of prior illness. In my belief, these are the two biggest domestic issues at hand and Barrack Obama has a legitimate and beneficial plan for each one of them. Barrack Obama has a legitimate and beneficial plan for every matter he plans to take on! This is excactly why he would recieve my vote; Obama is confident enough to take on any matter regardless of how difficult it may be to resolve. A confidence I have not seen in any other man or woman.


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