Saturday, September 6, 2008

Presidential Candidate

As the campaigning continues for the position as the President of the United States of America, I find myself swaying towards one particular candidate for the job: Barack Obama. Obama continues to show the American public on how he is ready to change our country for the better. He has created plans with will help our countries economy, foreign policy and domestic affairs. Obama continues to show how by the end of his term, our country will be on the track of success.

To being with, Obama hopes to create a favorable trade in the United States. Rather than giving tax breaks to large businesses that send jobs overseas, Obama promises to give tax cuts to those smaller businesses that plan on using American support. These tax cuts would go to those companies who maintain or increase the number of full time American workers. Furthermore, Obama plans to fight for a trade policy that will open more foreign markets as well as provide more American jobs. Obama plans that with more products produced in the United States, and hopefully a more favorable trade, our country’s economy will improve greatly.

Subsequently, Obama hopes to renew the American Diplomacy around the world. During the presidency of Bush-Cheney, our country refused to speak with leaders in which we were not in agreement with. Even though Bush-Cheney hoped to make the U.S look tough, it just portrayed America as arrogant. This simply made it harder for the U.S to gain international support. If our country wants to stop world problems, such as terrorism and nuclear weapons, we need to gain international support. Obama is willing to change what Bush-Cheney has done by meeting with leaders from all the nations. He believes that if the United States is willing to “come to the table” and meet with all international leaders, that other countries would be will to support us in the stop against Worldwide Issues. Obama plans on finding a way to rebuild our American Diplomacy and create new ties between other world leaders.

Moreover, Obama plans to create more jobs that are green. Not only is Obama creating new jobs, however he is creating a more green country. First off, he plans to ensure that 10% of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012 and 25% by 2025. Obama plans to deploy the cheapest, cleanest and fastest energy source to create and energy efficiency. In addition, Obama wants to develop and deploy clean coal technology. Obama hopes to produce five coal-fired plants that will hopefully be able to capture the carbon. Finally, Obama wants to prioritize the Construction of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline. Not only will all of this promises Obama has create 5 million jobs, however it will also help to create more energy in the U.S rather than depending on other countries so much. Obviously, Obama has promised to make great changes for the U.S which in return create a better country. I believe that Obama is the right man to change America for the better.


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