Saturday, September 6, 2008

Even though i now feel like im copying everyone...

Well maybe that is just because im in a democratic state... but anyways... I support Barack Obama for the presidency. I like how whenever i hear John McCain speak, he always tells us about his foreign policy experience... But the thing is the entire world (ok most of the world...) views McCain as another Bush-like figure, and we all know just how much they all love him. Im pretty sure (i hope so) that most people realize that when people like you, its much easier to get things done. And just like John McCain's attack add states, "is the worlds biggest celebrity ready to lead this country?" Wow, you stated the world loves him, thats an awful thing for foreign policy...

John McCain also says he's completely for clean and renewable sources of energy, and yet his plan falls way shorter from barack obamas plan. Most of John McCain's plan involves the use of fossil fuels, this includes natural gas, oil and coal. His plan consists of finding more of it, drilling it, and using it for our energy purposes. I dont find too much wrong with this, but this is MOST of his plan, for his great "energy independance". The problem being if we do this we wont and cant be energy independant for long after we drill of it, and instead of finding new renewable sources of energy, we spent all our money getting "clean" coal and natural gas plants, and not on researching energies like fusion, solar, wind and others. And not to mention his lack of knowing much about energy after he made fun at Barack for saying we should all inflate our tires, even when its a proven way to save gas, between 2-4% (assuming your tires aren't already inflated). I much favor Obama's plan, which, my favorite part being, having 10% of our energy being from renewable sources in 2012, and 25% in 2025, yes he set his goals really high for this, but from a young age aren't we told to set our goals high? Doesn't, by doing that, make him and his future cabinet and advisors, want to work harder at completing it? At least this way we're looking past just 10 years like McCain's plan, and into decades (notice the s) like Obama's


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