Saturday, September 6, 2008

A New Direction-Barack Obama

I fully support Barack Obama as the next president of the United States. He has made drastic changes in his home state, Illinois, and will continue to make changes if he moves on to the presidency. His outlook on domestic issues will not only end some of the policies of the Bush administration, but reverse them, allowing them to benefit the United States. One such change would be the end of tax cuts for businesses which outsource to other countries, with the tax cuts instead going to businesses which hire US workers and keep all production local. Obama will also reduce the tax cuts given to the rich and increase those given to the middle class. He wants to ensure at least $1,000 each year in tax relief for the middle class.

Barack Obama's foreign policy is one of the most promising in years. He will end the War in Iraq, devote more resources to fighting our true threats, and open diplomacya again. Obama is willing to meet face-to-face with the leaders of countries which pose a threat to us, and those which the Bush administration has so casually thrown aside. Obama recognizes the threat posed by Al Quehda, Iran, North Korea, and other nations throughout the world. He still believes that open diplomacy, with no prerequisites, will allow the United States to come to a peaceful agreement with Iran and North Korea. Obama supports the removal of weapons of mass destruction from the terrist cells and the security of allnuclear arsenals, as well as the reduction of those nuclear arsenals.

For the change and restoration of the United States of America to her former glory, to protect our blessings of liberty for oursleves and our posterity, Barack Obama is the clear choice for the next President.


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