Presidential Debate
The Debate that was highly anticipated finally came and went, and even stood up to the expectations. The entirety of the debate was interesting and informative while not lulling anyone to sleep. Overall, I believe that Barack Obama should receive a 7 out of ten for his performance during last nights debate. The reason for my grade is because i didn't think he was aggressive enough against John McCain. On several occasions, McCain interrupted or talked over Obama and Obama just let him go and talk. I think he was acting too polite and i believe McCain took advantage of that. He seemed like too nice of a guy instead of attacking McCain and being more assertive. Obama did lure people in like me to the debate because of his speaking skills and he way he was able to command the audience. When he was making his points he was much more convincing then McCain was on most of the issues. I believe that he came across as more intelligent then McCain and stood up for himself decent for the most part. Also, when McCain made attacks on Obama he stayed composed while i can't say the same for Senator McCain. He seemed to laugh a lot at Obama's criticisms of him and did not respond to all of them directly. I thought Obama had a more successful debate then John McCain but it was close.
As far as Obama's highest moments I thought that he looked very strong when talking about Foreign Policy, health care, and the tax cuts that he wants to propose. I believe that most Americans will be in favor of Obama's tax cut plan where 95% of Americans would get a tax cut. He did a good job attacking McCain and his idea of cutting the business tax that would give large tax cuts to the rich CEO's. McCain tried to respond saying that it was too keep jobs in the U.S. by giving them lower taxes but I think that Obama came out much better in that category. The war was a huge strong suit for Obama. He talked about he plan, how negative the war has been so far, and how we really should be focusing on Afghanistan where the terrorists are. It was sort of how bad McCain was during this portion then Obama excelling. McCain was extremely repetitive throughout it. In almost every sentence when talking about the war he mentioned the surge, the General in Iraq that for some reason McCain linked everything back to what he believes, and how he has visited places and knows what needs to be done. He came off as boring to me and this was the one part of the debate that was so. The last thing that i thought Obama was good at was Health Care. He had a plan while McCain did not so i believe he came across better to the American people.
One thing i question Obama on is offshore drilling. I disagree with not drilling offshore. I understand that he wants to find alternative energy sources, which i agree with him on, but the oil that can be produced is needed in this country. People are in constant need of oil based products and i believe that he would be in a better position had he approved offshore drilling but also use alternative energy to its maximum use. Overall, i liked the way Obama came off during the first presidential debate of the year.
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